Would my life make a good reality show?!

Would my life make a good reality show?!

Don Draper as John Cataldi, a new reality show?!

John Cataldi a 2011 Reality Show.. Is the world Ready?

This is a concept that I always joked about but just recently I actually got a potential offer to make my life as a serial entrepreneur and my current venture Adreka an actual reality show. I have a few friends in New York that have participated in their share of business startups, and have become fairly wealthy as a result, but all of them share a deep dark secret, these gentlemen in particular are habitual investors in b-rated movies, and yes the occasional reality show.

The call went something like this…..

Executive Producer (EP 1): Johnny I got something I know you’re going to love. First before I pitch this to you, I just want you to keep an open mind.

Me: Ok, should I be calling the rape crisis center now….

EP 2: No, but I like the way you think… the guys and I were talking and we think you have moxy, swagger, charisma, a barrel of flamboyance, and a limited filter between your brain and your mouth, your incredibly non-judgmental which would make you sux as a politician but pretty good fit for  a reality show. I was just telling EP1, last time you were here, you went from a Wall Street reception to an EMI label signing, went to a Maxim’s (Dennis Publications) holiday party, got Reggie and myself, back to our hotels by morning, and I see your ass jogging the next morning prior to  your key note at 7am with a priest. It’s like you’re a freaking energizer bunny.

EP1: That guy was a priest… what… needed to confess your sins on the go?

Me: Met him in the park, we got to talking, and I felt safe not being an altar boy… LOL… Anyway… shouldn’t you at least by me a drink before propositioning me, because I am feeling a little cheated over the phone (Dear general public reading this post, I can make alter boy jokes, because I used to be an alter boy at a Roman Catholic Church… so no hate mail please).

EP1: This is what we are thinking about, a modern day mad man. We’ll set up with a few offices and dozen clients. Some of the companies will be grand, some drama, and others, you’ll just have to wait and see. The client work is real, you’ll be aired nationally, and unlike theses other fairy tale agencies that aren’t even real, and yours is, so think of the notoriety.

 EP #2: The math is simple; Mad Men the series is in its 6th season with a good following. Shows like the Apprentice, Shark Tank, even Janet Dickson Modeling Agency used their shows to promote products, but none of them were real businesses other than who or what they were promoting. Adreka is a real business, plus it’s self promotion out the ass.

EP1: We are looking at insuring that we recoup our investment in sponsored companies, some equity in your organization. We just need you to be in New York in November to meet the partners, and we can talk shop.

So, do I sell my soul to the really show devil? I can’t see what harm would come in listening. Right now, I need all the help I can get in talking this business model to the next level. This may be the ticket?! Or I can just make an ass of myself on national TV. Anybody wish to share their opinion? Please comment ….

Twittiquette – From Class to Trash, Avoid being a Twitter Whore

Twittiquette, most get it, some don’t, this post may not save your life, but potentially your reputation. This is my personal RANT on Twitter Twittiquette, or the lack there of. Personally, first, I like to Tweet. For those less familiar with the medium, Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users’ updates known as Tweets. As a social media tool, Twitter adds additional depth to social suspect of interest, whether that be an individual, group, celebrity, sports team, political candidate, etc.

Recently, I heard Twitter dubbed as the “SMS” of the Internet. Just then it all became clear, SOME Twitterers treat their Tweets as if it was a personal journal of communication between friends, though what most fail to consider is unlike SMS which can selectively send to an individual or select group, Twitter is a broadcast medium. Based upon your user name, subject criteria, and freshness of tweets, you may attract the wrong type of follower.

Thus the Twitter Rant on the Subject of Twittiquette:

Twittiquette Rule #1: THINK SAFETY: Always put your safety first. NEVER give out personal information. June 24th 2009, Man tweeted that he was going on vacation, gave dates of his departure, even syndicated his post to his Face Book page, good post, right?! Well is may have been, but in the end his home got robbed, which was a likely result of Twitter’s ability to reach hundreds of thousands of people, by making his post searchable to everyone, including the thief.

Twittiquette Rule #2: DON’T TWEET ACTIVITIES YOU DON’T WANT TO TELL YOUR MOM: What goes on the Internet, stays on the Internet, especially when you may be syndicating your message to the dozens of search bots that will help add your posts in the form of search queries to leading search engines and social networks. Case in point, when I am looking to hire new talent or research a potential business relationship, I use social media as a research tool. For twitter, doing an advanced twitter search is easy http://search.twitter.com/advanced . A few weeks ago I was interviewing new candidate for a sales position. The young man that posted, “omg it was only 10 thirtay and im already drunk!!”, did not get the job.

Twittiquette Rule #3: I DON’T CARE IF YOUR BOWELS ARE REGULAR: Please be interesting, NOONE Cares that you clogged a toilet from your big dinner last night, and we certainly do not need a picture or GPS location of the offending download to the porcelain receptacle. Yes, share yourself, write about the interesting things that shape your life, random thoughts that make your laugh, the places your go , the people you meet, but for god sake, sometimes there is REALLY NO NEED TO SHARE!

Twittiquette Rule #4: FRIEND COLLECTORS BE GONE: Your no TOM, you don’t need to be everyone friend just for the sake of saying you have 100,000 friends, Really stop it.

Twittiquette Rule #5: DON’T BE A TWEET WHORE: There is no need to dominate a conversation, in person or on Twitter. If you send more than 2-3 tweets out at a time, you will come off as obnoxious, and I don’t think that is the look you were going for.

Twittiquette Rule #6: LESS SELF PROMOTION MR MARKET GURU: Twitter is a good way to promote your business. I have made both relationships and real dollars though the responsible use of social media. Tweeting gobs of self plugging is just wrong….. in Twitter terms… bird poop.