Hot off the press October 8, 2010, I read an article recently by a fellow tech evangelist Nick 0'Neil. What he lacks in words Nick makes up for in graphics… LOL. 

While Facebook may have a fraction of the employees that Google does, the company is gaining increasing attention a potential rival to Google as it’s valuation has skyrocketed beyond $30 billion and it appears to be organizing (and making accessible via search) the semantic web. While there are numerous articles published comparing the two companies, we thought it would be fun to create a graphic depicting the growing tension between the two internet giants.


google vr facebook 2010 research

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John Cataldi

Serial RainMaker
He is a creative, on-the-edge, serial entrepreneur, investor and advertising evangelist who speaks often on topics of capital raising to connecting the dots between business, strategy, influencers and market penetration. He currently serves as the Director of Business Development of US and European Markets for Macquarium, a Consumer Experience Boutique who consults on optimizing engagement and revenues for Fortune 1000 and venture backed start-ups.